Nicole Beydon
Hôpitaux Universitaires Est Parisien, France
Dr Nicole Beydon has been a French paediatric pulmonologist at Robert Debré Hospital (Paris) since 1995. She has been involved in lung function testing (LFT) for 20 years, then moving from the hospital in 2010, she switched from a clinical position to a position in the laboratory of LFT and sleep recording at Armand Trousseau Hospital in Paris. Dr Beydon is active in clinical research with an interest in preschool children testing. In 2000, she has joined the ATS/ERS group on lung function in infants and preschool children and as Secretary of this group, she edited with friends, Stephanie Davis and Enrico Lombardi, the first ATS/ERS position paper on LFT in preschool children. Dr Beydon is also involved in ERS activities being a member of the Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (Hermes) Examination Committee and the secretary of the 7.1 group (Paediatric Respiratory Physiology and Sleep).