TSANZ Training Video Award

TSANZ invites all members to submit a teaching video of up to 15 minutes for consideration in the 2019 ASM Best Training Video Award program. Submissions can be related to any aspect of respiratory and/or sleep health or research with the target audience being TSANZ members. Videos should be innovative in delivery and presentation and must not reveal any patient identification information.

All entries may be considered for upload onto to the TSANZ website as training resources for members. 

What happens if my video is selected?

The selection panel, comprised of members of the Education and Training Subcommittee (ETS) will seek subject matter expertise to assist in adjudicating.

The ETS will select the most effective Videos based on the following criteria
 •  How effectively were learning outcomes articulated and achieved
 •  How engaging is the Video (static PowerPoints will receive lower scores than dynamic productions)
 •  Was the timeframe of up to 15 minutes achieved
 •  Is the material presented accurate and evidence based

All entries may be considered for upload onto the TSANZ website as ongoing training resources for members and the producers will receive a certificate from TSANZ. The winning Video will also receive a $2,000 cash prize. All uploaded videos may cite their videos as a publication on TSANZ website

Guidelines for Submission

•    Videos will be restricted to up to 15 minutes.
•    Submissions can be related to any aspect of respiratory and/or sleep health or research
•    Videos must be submitted with a word document which includes the learning outcomes for the Video
•    All Videos should not reveal any identifiable patient information.
•    Videos must be submitted in MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, or FLV format.
•    The attached Copyright agreement form must be signed and returned
•    Submissions are due 5pm AEDT Friday 23rd February.

How to Submit?

Videos should be no larger than 4GB and are to be submitted on a USB. Please post your USB to the TSANZ Office (GPO Box 1491, Sydney, NSW 2001) and ensure it is clearly marked with the authors name/s.

Submissions are due 5pm AEST Thursday 28th February 2019


The winning video will be awarded a $2,000 prize sponsored by 


If you have any questions please contact the TSANZ Office on +61 2 9222 6200 or phone .